Wechsel der Bremsbeläge am VanMoof S3 mit Werkzeug in der Hand.

VanMoof S3 Brake Pads Replacement: Detailed Guide

VanMoof S3 Brake Pads Replacement: Detailed Guide & Genuine Parts

VanMoof S3 Brake Pads Replacement: A Comprehensive Guide

Summary: Learn in this detailed guide how to easily replace the brake pads on your VanMoof S3. We provide a step-by-step tutorial and helpful tips to ensure your brakes function optimally. Order genuine VanMoof S3 brake pads and brake discs from our online shop.

The VanMoof S3 is an innovative bike that requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. One of the most important maintenance tasks is changing the brake pads. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you. Best of all, you can purchase genuine VanMoof S3 brake pads and brake discs directly from our online shop!

Tools and Materials Needed:

  • Genuine VanMoof S3 brake pads (available in our online shop)
  • 5 mm hex key
  • Small and medium flat-head screwdrivers
  • Clean cloth
  • Brake cleaner
  • Fine sandpaper (400 grit)
  • Pliers

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Preparation:

Secure your VanMoof S3 on a stand or lay it carefully on its side. Remove the front or rear wheel of your VanMoof S3, depending on which brake pads you need to replace.

2. Removing the Old Brake Pads:

Loosen the securing screw that holds the brake pads in the caliper of your VanMoof S3 using a 5 mm hex key. If the brake pads are stuck or you accidentally squeezed the brake levers while the wheel was removed, flip the bike upside down to make it easier to work. Use a medium flat-head screwdriver to gently push the brake pads back. Then, use a small screwdriver to make the brake pad tab visible. Push the tab by hand into the correct position and fully push the brake pads back. Carefully remove the old brake pads from the caliper of your VanMoof S3.

3. Cleaning:

Clean the caliper and retaining pins of your VanMoof S3 with brake cleaner and a clean cloth. Ensure there are no residues of dirt or grease.

4. Sanding the Brake Pads:

To prevent squeaking, lightly sand the surface of the new brake pads with fine sandpaper (400 grit). This ensures an even surface and improves braking performance.

5. Installing the New Brake Pads:

Insert the new VanMoof S3 brake pads into the caliper. Make sure they are properly aligned. Use a small flat-head screwdriver to adjust the brake pads into the correct position if necessary. Slide the retaining pins through the new brake pads and the caliper of your VanMoof S3. Tighten the securing screw to hold the brake pads in place.

6. Alignment and Adjustment:

Reinstall the wheel on your VanMoof S3. Check that the brake pads are properly aligned and evenly press against the brake disc of your VanMoof S3. Spin the wheel and apply the brake several times to ensure the brake pads grip correctly and do not shift.

7. Fine Adjustment:

Ensure that the brake pads of your VanMoof S3 do not rub against the brake disc when the brake is not applied. Adjust the caliper of your VanMoof S3 as needed with the 5 mm hex key to ensure the brake pads are correctly positioned.

8. Final Check:

Take a test ride on your VanMoof S3 to check the functionality of the new brake pads. Ensure that the brakes of your VanMoof S3 engage smoothly and efficiently.

Additional Tips:

  • If your VanMoof S3 brakes feel spongy due to air in the system, you will need to bleed the brakes. We have a detailed blog post that shows you how to bleed the brakes on your VanMoof S3.
  • If the brake discs are severely worn or damaged, you should also replace the VanMoof brake disc. These are also available in our online shop.
  • Regularly check the condition of your brake pads and brake discs to detect wear early and take timely action.
  • For further assistance, watch this video: VanMoof S3 & X3 | How to replace the brake pads.

Order Genuine VanMoof S3 Brake Pads Now

With this guide, you can safely and effectively change the brake pads on your VanMoof S3. Regular maintenance of the brakes on your VanMoof S3 is crucial for your safety and an enjoyable riding experience. Order genuine VanMoof S3 brake pads and brake discs directly from our online shop for the best quality and perfect fit!

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